Waiting for autumn

Faery Falls is one of the lesser known waterfalls around these parts, and therefore usually not overrun by people on a Saturday. Knowing this, and thinking the fall colors should be looking great about now, I headed out. The colors were not quite there yet, although some of the leaves had definitely started to change. But, even without peak foliage, it’s still a very pretty waterfall this time of year.

Some people prefer waterfalls in the spring, but I actually think they photograph better when they are not so full and rushing. Also, you can get much closer without getting wet!

Faery Falls

Faery Falls

Light on Faery Falls
Light on Faery Falls


Later in the day, we hiked up a huge hill overlooking Lake Shastina and the Shasta Valley. It was a very pretty sunset view.


Autumn Vista

Autumn Vista







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